Thursday, 21 July 2011

Prelim Evaluation: Question 4

4. How do you think your workshop experiences will impact on your approach to next term's music video coursework?
I think will impact greatly on our final coursework, from choosing actors, filming and editing. From the prelim we realised how important it is to choose the right people for the band/artist, as the lipsynching is so important. No matter how impressive a music video may look, ultimately if the lipsynching is bad, the whole thing will look bad.
As mentioned above, we learnt that there are many difficulties which come up along the way during shooting, so when doing our final coursework project, we will always give ourselves more time and be dedicated and prepared for whole 12 hour day shoots.
This workshop has also taught us about how many different shots and cuts are needed to create a choppy video, so next term when we choose a song and create a storyboard, we will also have to keep all this in mind. The fact that quite a few set ups are needed to create an effective music video will also help us when deciding what we want in our final video: it will limit our ideas as this workshop has shown us that effective music videos can be made just by keeping it simple, as just a few set ups is a lot of hard work.
But most importantly, I think that this workshop has really just shown us all how tiring the job is, and will make us all make sure to have a good nights sleep the night before (or just drink a lot of coffee in the morning!)

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